Texas Water Smart

Be Water Smart:  Save Water. Save Dollars. Save Texas.

Just a few easy tweaks to your usual routine can make a big difference and help us all have more water.

Last year’s record drought showed that even a great state like Texas is powerless when it comes to Mother Nature. The good news is  we are not powerless to do something about it. Drastic measures aren’t necessary, we just need to all do our part. This is why the state of Texas formed the Texas Water Smart Coalition: to show that simple, common sense  steps can help conserve our precious water while preserving business and our economy. You might even save some money on your water bill while you’re at it.

A list of easy-to-follow water saving tips have been assembled on the Texas Water Smart page along with links for more information. Please take the time to look over this information, share it with your neighbors, and join us on Facebook and Twitter to continue the conversation.

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