Water IQ

During the Texas Water Development Board Finance Committee meeting, on November 12, 2002, the Deputy Executive Administrator discussed the increasing importance of water conservation. The briefing included a legislative initiative to enhance efforts in Texas by increasing water conservation activities. The initiative was based on recommendations included in the 2002 State Water Plan for developing consensus recommendations to comprehensively address water conservation in Texas. The Board expressed support for the initiative.

The 78th Legislature approved Senate Bill 1094, which created the Water Conservation Implementation Task Force to evaluate matters regarding water conservation. The legislation was introduced and supported by Senator Robert Duncan, approved by the legislature, and signed by Governor Rick Perry. TWDB selected the members of the Task Force. In addition, the Executive Administrator was the presiding officer of the Task Force. Senate Bill 1094 was effective immediately after passage, and a report was submitted to the legislature as requested on November 1, 2004.

In 2004, TWDB contracted for a research project to support the Water Conservation Implementation Task Force recommendation regarding the establishment of a statewide water conservation public awareness campaign. The project included development strategies, research, and branding for a possible statewide water conservation effort and was funded by a voluntary coalition of 36 utilities, municipalities, businesses, and conservation groups. The research stressed the need for making individual Texans aware of the importance of water conservation, including water reuse, to their future as residents of the state. As a result of this research, the brand “Water IQ: Know your water” was identified as a way to bring awareness about water knowledge and conservation.

Highlights from the comprehensive 2004 research study include:

  • 87 percent of Texans are more likely to conserve water after learning more about water conservation and hearing ideas about ways to save water.
  • 98 percent of Texas residents think water conservation is important.
  • Only 28 percent of Texans say they “definitely know” the natural source of their drinking water.

Additional detailed information for the 2004 research is available for download:

In 2007, the 80th Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 3 and House Bill 4. Both contained provisions authorizing the Executive Administrator to “develop and implement a statewide water conservation public awareness program.”

Currently, there are a number of entities throughout the state using Water IQ as part of their local campaign. For more Water IQ information visit http://www.wateriq.org/

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