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Texas Drought Monitor

The U.S. Drought Monitor, established in 1999, is a weekly map of Read More

High Court Hears From Ranch Lubbock in Water Case

After hearing from both sides in a years-long dispute between a South Plains ranch and the city of Lubbock, the Texas Supreme Court will consider whether a well-established provision in oil and gas law that protects landowners who don’t own the minerals beneath their property should also apply to those who don’t own the groundwater — or, perhaps, the wind.

The outcome of the court’s decision could have far-reaching implications for savvy water exporters and the state’s fast-growing, thirsty cities.

A lawyer for Coyote Lake Ranch argued Wednesday that the “accommodation doctrine” should apply in cases where an entity — Lubbock, in this case — wants to utilize its rights to groundwater that sits beneath the land that someone else — the ranch — owns and actively uses.

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2015 Annual Water Symposium

“Clearwater UWCD invites the all civic leaders and the general public to the 15th Annual Bell County Water Symposium on November 19th 8am to 5 pm in Belton. The daylong event will again be held in Belton at 2180 North Main Street at the Central Texas Council of Governments Building. The event will start at 8:00 am and conclude by 4:00pm, lunch is provided. Sponsored by Texas AgriLife Extension Service Bell County, HALFF Associates, LBG-Guyton & Associates, Bell County Engineers Office, Baylor University Department of Geology and Lloyd Gosselink Attorneys at Law. Click here for the tentative agenda.

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Annual Newsletter Released

Clearwater UWCD is proud to provide you with a pdf version of our annual newsletter entitled “Clearwater Source” that will be mailed out around the county in the next week.  We specifically want to point out the theme of this year’s “Clearwater Source” is to showcase many of the scientific endeavors the district has invested in over the last three fiscal years. We are very pleased with our relationships with Baylor University’s Department of Geology, US Geological Survey’s Water Science Team in Austin, and the Texas Fish & Wildlife Conservation Office in San Marcos. These professional researchers have provided a much better understanding of the aquifer systems in Bell County as well as surrounding counties.

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