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Texas Drought Monitor

The U.S. Drought Monitor, established in 1999, is a weekly map of Read More

Salado Salamander Critical Habitat Community Meeting

Clearwater UWCD (CUWCD) Board of Directors, as member of the Bell County Adaptive Management Coalition (BCAMC), will attend an educational meeting for the public on Tuesday, July 14, 2020 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria of the Thomas Arnold Elementary School, located at 550 Thomas Arnold Road, Salado, Texas 76571 for the purpose of:

  1. To discuss future actions by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) regarding the Salado salamander.

In accordance with safety concerns related to COVID19 at this event, social distancing will occur, face masks are required if social distancing cannot be attained and will live streamed virtually by the coalition partners. Those unable to attend in person can join via personal computer, tablet or smartphone.

The video link for computer, tablet or smartphone is:https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/546817277

Interested persons may also dial in using your phone:

United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679 Access Code: 546-817-277

NRS Community Meeting Handout

NRS Salado Salamander Public Meeting Presentation

Bell County Adaptive Management Coalition Critical Habitat Handout

This is not a regular board of directors meeting or work session.  This notice is being posted in the event that a quorum of the District Board is in attendance at the event.  In such event, the meeting will be a public meeting under Chapter 551, Government Code.  No action will be taken by the Board members on behalf of the District at the event.

Clearwater Underground Water Conservation District Expressing and Ringing Alarms

“Clearwater Underground Water Conservation District Declares Drought Stage 1 for all well owners and operators of wells completed in both the Trinity Aquifer and Edwards BFZ Aquifer systems in Bell County,” says Dirk Aaron, General Manager.  “Folks its Real”

Aaron stressed in his capacity as General Manager, “The Districts Directors urges all businesses, and utilities dependent on groundwater wells to be supportive of this initial stage requesting conservation”.  This encouragement is also important for private well owners drawing from both aquifer systems across the County. All groundwater users are encouraged to actively conserve under the Stage 1 “Awareness” by volunteering to reduce their groundwater use by 10%.

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Participation Guidelines for Upcoming Board Meeting

CUWCD’s Board will hold a workshop and Board Meeting on Wednesday, July 8, 2020, beginning at 1:30 p.m. The public will not be able to attend in person. However, the public or any interested party may attend by teleconference and/or videoconference. Documents for meeting: Board Packet, Staff Reports, Aquifer Status & Production Reports


Clearwater UWCD, in order to maintain governmental transparency and continued government operation while reducing face-to-face contact for government open meetings, is implementing measures according to guidelines set forth by the Office of the Texas Governor, Greg Abbott. In accordance with section 418.016 of the Texas Government Code, Governor Abbott has suspended various open-meetings provisions that require government officials and members of the public to be physically present at a specified meeting location. CUWCD’s adherence to the Governor’s guidance temporary suspension procedure ensures public accessibility and opportunity to participate in CUWCD’s open meeting, workshop and hearings. 

Members of the public wishing to make public comment during the meeting must register by emailing schapman@cuwcd.org  prior to 11:30 a.m. on July 8, 2020.  This meeting will be recorded and the audio will be available online http://www.old.cuwcd.org/old  or by requesting a copy from daaron@cuwcd.org . A copy of the agenda packet is available on the CUWCD’s website prior to the meeting.  

You may join CUWCD’s Board meeting as follows:

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