Use of groundwater for purposes other than indicated on application. | $1,000 |
Use of groundwater that constitutes “waste.” | $1,000 |
Failure to plug an abandoned or deteriorated well within required period. | $1,000 |
Drilling or having a well drilled, altered or re-equipped without obtaining a permit. | $1,000 |
Falsification of records. | $1,000 |
Providing inaccurate information & documentation. | $100 |
Failure to execute requirements to transfer ownership of a permit or registration. | $100 |
Failure to register a well. | $100 |
Failure to report monthly groundwater production within the required period. | $500 |
Producing water from a well without authorization. | $1,000 |
Having a well drilled by an unlicensed and unauthorized Driller. | $250 |
Having a well equipped by an unlicensed and unauthorized Pump Installer. | $250 |
Failure to submit required documentation reflecting alterations or increased production. | $1,000 |
Failure to permit entry to well site for inspection or testing purposes. | $100 |
Water Well Construction and Completion Requirements as follows: | |
Failure to identify undesirable water. | $250 |
Failure to contain tailings on-site. | $500+ remediation |
Failure to properly install identification monument pin. | $100 |
Failure to utilize approved construction materials. | $250+ remediation |
Failure to properly cement annular space. | $500 + remediation |
Failure to complete wellhead concrete slab within 10 days of departure of the drilling rig from the well site. | $100 |
Failure to file documentation with District within required period. | $100 |
Failure to properly plug, to include State-approved methods & materials, an abandoned, deteriorated or undesired well. | $1,000, unless otherwise provided per agreement with Texas Dept. of Licensing and Regulation |
Failure to properly drill or complete a well for its intended use. | $1,000 |
Installation of production equipment prior to date when Driller’s construction requirements are complete. | $50 |
Failure to submit a completed certified statement of well completion—State of Texas Well Report (Driller’s Log)—to the District within required period. | $100 |
Failure to install metering device for determining production. $1,000 |
**Each day that a violation continues shall be considered a separate violation. These penalty amounts do not include attorneys’ fees, court costs, or any other costs, fees, or other relief the District may seek in a civil suit in addition to the stated penalty amounts set forth in this civil penalty schedule.
Effective February 1, 2002*
Amended March 21, 2006