Salado Salamander

After the designation of the Salado Springs complex as critical habitat for the Salado Salamander, a research permit was required to conduct tracer tests and install piezometers to study groundwater flow patterns in the complex. Ms. Stephanie Wong, a graduate student at Baylor University, spearheaded the permit application process on behalf of CUWCD, and a five-year research permit was awarded to CUWCD in February 2015.

There is still much to learn about the Northern Segment system. Collaborative efforts, monitoring, and data gathering are on-going. Below are reports generated from these collaborative efforts.

Salado Salamander Monitoring Final Report 2016 – USFWS

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Research Permit – Annual Report 2015 for Permit TE52824B (Salado Salamander)

An Investigation into the Recharge Pathways and Mechanisms In the Northern Segment of the Edwards Aquifer, Bell County, Texas

Below are some links to gather information regarding the listing of the Salado Salamander.

Federal/State Threatened and Endangered Species

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Southwest Region

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