AUSTIN – At a Board meeting held yesterday in Austin, the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) adopted the final rules for the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT). The application process for SWIFT funding is now officially open.
“Today is a historic day for the citizens of Texas and for the future of our state’s water supplies,” said TWDB Chairman Carlos Rubinstein. “SWIFT will allow the TWDB to provide financial assistance to important water projects around the state that will provide additional water supplies to urban and rural citizens alike. The projects will be diverse, from conserving and maintaining a current water supply, to innovative technology that taps into new sources of water. Each project funded by SWIFT will take us one step closer to being drought-resilient.”
The Clearwater Underground Water Conservation District is hosting its 14th annual Bell County Water Symposium. This year’s event will be held November 18, 2014 beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Central Texas Council of Governments Building at 2180 N. Main Street, Belton, TX. Co-sponsors include Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service; Lloyd Gosselink Attorneys at Law; HALFF Associates; LBG-Guyton & Associates, Texas AgriLife Extension Service and the Bell County Engineers Office.
The Clearwater Underground Water Conservation District has posted the “Notice of Deadline to File Applications for Place on the Ballot” notice as prescribed by the Secretary of State. Filing dates and times begin July 19, 2014 and continue through August 18, 2014. Applications can be picked up and submitted during normal business hours which are 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the District offices located at 700 Kennedy Court in Belton Texas.
Click here to find the original public posting.
We are pleased to announce the 2013 Annual Report has been published and approved by the Board of Directors. This in-depth look at the Districts activities is required by our management plan and is a great resource to understand who we are and what we do from year to year. To read the report in its entirety, please click here.
General Manager, Dirk Aaron, testified at the Interim meeting of the Texas House of Representatives Natural Resource Committee on June 25, 2014. The House Committee asked more than 26 individuals (9 from Groundwater District Managers) from different sectors of groundwater management to testify concerning Interim Charge #2. Testimony can be viewed at Texas House of Representatives Natural Resource Committee Broadcast Archives: